
for Business

OneDrive for Business and Office 365 make it easy for you to share and work together on all your files.

Benefits of being in the cloud

Office 365 offers an integrated solution so that everyone in your team can efficiently collaborate by using group chats, having online meetings and videoconferences, co-authoring documents, using secure file sharing, having a group email and interacting in a social media network for work.

Upgrade your Office

Collaborate any way you want and manage changes to shared files working online, offline or simultaneously with others.

Access files anywhere

Easily store and access your files from all your devices. Edits you make offline are automatically uploaded next time you connect.

Work with anyone

Share files and collaborate on documents with anyone inside or outside of your organization.

Find files faster

Quickly find files, photos and documents from personalized search results powered by the intelligence of the Microsoft Graph.

Protect your work

Keep your company data protected with advanced encryption, compliance, and security features.
