
Active directory

With Azure, you get the freedom to create and deploy when you want, using the tools, applications and frameworks you prefer.

Meet the benefits of being in the cloud.

The most comprehensive compliance coverage of any cloud provider

More certifications than another provider in the cloud
Industry leader for the defense of the client and the protection of privacy
Residence guarantees unique data


We work to preserve the security of customer data

  • Administration and control of the access of identities and users
  • Encryption of communications and operations processes
  • Protection of networks.
  • Threat management


You own and control your data

  • You have your own data
  • Control your data
  • How we respond to government and police requests for access to data


You know how your data is stored and accessed, and how we protect it

Microsoft Azure is based on the premise that in order for you to control your own customer data in the cloud, you need to visualize them. You must know where they are stored.


We adhere to global standards

Azure complies with a broad set of international and industry-specific compliance standards, such as ISO 27001, HIPAA, FedRAMP, SOC 1 and SOC 2, as well as country-specific standards such as IRAP in Australia, the G-Cloud in the UK United and the MTCS in Singapore.

Meet the new office

A growing collection of integrated services in the cloud (analysis, process, databases, mobile, networks, storage and Web) to move faster, go further and save money.

Higher productivity

Any developer or IT professional can be productive with Azure. The integrated tools, precompiled templates and managed services make it much easier to compile and manage business applications, for mobile, the Web and the Internet of Things (IoT) quickly, using the knowledge you already have and the technologies that you already know

Open and flexible cloud platform

Azure supports the largest selection of operating systems, programming languages, frameworks, tools, databases and devices. Run Linux containers with Docker integration; compile applications with JavaScript, Python, .NET, PHP, Java, Node.js; create back-ends for devices with iOS, Android and Windows.

Expand your existing IT

Some cloud service providers force you to choose between a customer data center and the cloud. This is not the case in Azure, which easily integrates with your current IT environment through the largest network of secure private connections, hybrid database and storage solutions, as well as residency and data encryption functions, so that your assets remain right where you need them.

Pay for use

Azure's pay-per-use services can be scaled or reduced vertically quickly to accommodate demand, so you only pay for what you use. The billing per minute and the commitment to adjust to the prices of the competition for the most popular infrastructure services, such as process, storage and bandwidth, make you always get the best value for money.

Run your apps anywhere

As Microsoft's best cloud service, Azure runs on a global network of data centers managed by Microsoft in 22 regions, that is, more countries and regions than Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud together.

Protect your data

We know that some organizations are still suspicious of the cloud. This is why Microsoft has adopted a leading commitment in the sector to protect your data and your privacy.
