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Honeywell Xenon Performance 1950g - High Density (HD) - USB Kit
Intcomex SKU: 100002451
Part number: 1950GHD-2USB-N
Product description
Cashiers struggling to read poorly printed or damaged barcodes can lead to frustration from customers and ultimately lost revenue. Delivering excellent customer service is your mission, and providing lasting impressions for your loyal customers driven by fast, accurate, and friendly checkout experiences is critical. Empower your cashiers to deliver on your mission and commitment to provide excellent customer service experiences with the Honeywell Xenon Performance series. The Xenon XP 1950g offers superior scan performance, easily capturing even difficult-to-read or damaged barcodes.
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Accuracy of Information and Disclaimer of Warranty
Specifications are provided by the manufacturer or a third party contacted by the manufacturer to consolidate information. Please refer to the manufacturer for explanation of the products herein and other ratings.

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